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Downloads Cheat : Downloads pasword :
Fitur PB :
->Wallhack tero
->Wallhack Ct
->X hair
->No SMoke
-Replace weapon
-Replace pistol
-replace knife
-Replace bom
Bonus,, (agar menu terlihat enak/nyaman)
Untuk Pindah /geser menunya bisa tekan Ctrl + arah panah,,,
Tutorial PB
->Buka Pb launcher
->buka Cheat
-.Start PB
->happy cheating
Cara On kan Replacenya :
->masuk seperti biasa,,
->pakai snjta apa adanya dlu,,
->Kalau sudah mati(Deatmact) / Ganti Rounde(Bom Mission) On kan replacenya
->Selesai pertandingan Keluar jumlah point&exp offkan replacenya
Bonus DLL terletak pada biasa di Data C ,
File 2,4 MB lumayan besar yah,,,hhehe
Besar karena DLL wh melebihi 1 MB lebih ,
Bisa check Di letak DLL seperti biasa yah letaknya,,,
Teguh |
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Downloads Cheat : Downloads Password : Author :
VGM Rizky
======== Fitur: ========
- Replace Uzzi : Numpad 1
- Replace Famas M203 : Numpad 2
- Aug A3 D : Numpad 3
- p90 Ext D : Numpad 4
- AK 47 FC : Numpad 5
- SG Puter : Numpad 6
- Replace pisau knife
- Replace Off : Numpad 0
Numpad = Angka yang berada pda kanan keyboard (pastikan Numlock menyala)
Tutorial replace weapon:
- Bom Mission: Aktifkan saat Loading ronde ke 2
- Dead Match : Aktifkan saat Respawn setelah mati pertama kali (jangan Asal on kan)
- OFF kan saat game berakhir /Numpad 0
Cara pakai
- Buka Cheat
- Start PB
- Tunggu sampai proses HS selesai
- Enjoy
Work ALL Windows:
WIndows Xp
Windows Xp pack 2 , 3
WIndows Vista
Windows 7
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Downloads Cheat Downloads Password :
- WallHack
- Replace P90 Ext
- Replace Bom Coklat Auto On replace
- Replace pisau knife
- Replace Bom asap auto Replace
- WallHack = D3D Menu
- P90 Ext On = Numpad 3
- P90 Ext Off = Numpad 0 ( Off kan saat di Lobi saja )
Tutorial replace weapon:=
- Bom Mission: Aktifkan saat Loading ronde ke 2
- Dead Match : Aktifkan saat Respawn setelah mati pertama kali
- OFF kan saat di Lobi setelah game berakhir (JANGAN di Off kan saat pertandingan masih berlangsung)
Cara pakai
- Buka Cheat
- Start PB
- Tunggu sampai proses HS selesai
- Enjoy
jamz |
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Cara membuat teks bergerak melingkar mengikuti gerakan mouse atau dalam istilah bahasa Inggris dikenal dengan nama "Circling text trail". Teks tersebut akan bergerak melingkar mengelilingi pointer mouse disaat mouse sedang idle. Teks yang akan ditampilkan dapat diatur sesuai keinginan.
Yang perlu dilakukan adalah dengan memasukkan script di bawah ini ke dalam gadget html/javascript.
<style type="text/css">
/* Circle Text Styles */
/*http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex13/circletext.htm */
#outerCircleText {
font-style: italic;
font-weight: bold;
font-family: 'comic sans ms', verdana, arial;
color: #000;
/* End Optional */
/* Start Required - Do Not Edit */
position: absolute;top: 0;left: 0;z-index: 3000;cursor: default;}
#outerCircleText div {position: relative;}
#outerCircleText div div {position: absolute;top: 0;left: 0;text-align: center;}
/* End Required */
/* End Circle Text Styles */
<script type="text/javascript">
/* Circling text trail- Tim Tilton
Website: http://www.tempermedia.com/
Visit: http://www.dynamicdrive.com/ for Original Source and tons of scripts
Modified Here for more flexibility and modern browser support
Modifications as first seen in http://www.dynamicdrive.com/forums/
username:jscheuer1 - This notice must remain for legal use
// Your message here (QUOTED STRING)
var msg = "Selamat Datang Di Zona Podosugih";
// Set font's style size for calculating dimensions
// Set to number of desired pixels font size (decimal and negative numbers not allowed)
var size = 24;
// Set both to 1 for plain circle, set one of them to 2 for oval
// Other numbers & decimals can have interesting effects, keep these low (0 to 3)
var circleY = 0.75; var circleX = 2;
// The larger this divisor, the smaller the spaces between letters
// (decimals allowed, not negative numbers)
var letter_spacing = 5;
// The larger this multiplier, the bigger the circle/oval
// (decimals allowed, not negative numbers, some rounding is applied)
var diameter = 10;
// Rotation speed, set it negative if you want it to spin clockwise (decimals allowed)
var rotation = 0.4;
// This is not the rotation speed, its the reaction speed, keep low!
// Set this to 1 or a decimal less than one (decimals allowed, not negative numbers)
var speed = 0.3;
////////////////////// Stop Editing //////////////////////
if (!window.addEventListener && !window.attachEvent || !document.createElement) return;
msg = msg.split('');
var n = msg.length - 1, a = Math.round(size * diameter * 0.208333), currStep = 20,
ymouse = a * circleY + 20, xmouse = a * circleX + 20, y = [], x = [], Y = [], X = [],
o = document.createElement('div'), oi = document.createElement('div'),
b = document.compatMode && document.compatMode != "BackCompat"? document.documentElement : document.body,
mouse = function(e){
e = e || window.event;
ymouse = !isNaN(e.pageY)? e.pageY : e.clientY; // y-position
xmouse = !isNaN(e.pageX)? e.pageX : e.clientX; // x-position
makecircle = function(){ // rotation/positioning
o.style.top = (b || document.body).scrollTop + 'px';
o.style.left = (b || document.body).scrollLeft + 'px';
currStep -= rotation;
for (var d, i = n; i > -1; --i){ // makes the circle
d = document.getElementById('iemsg' + i).style;
d.top = Math.round(y[i] + a * Math.sin((currStep + i) / letter_spacing) * circleY - 15) + 'px';
d.left = Math.round(x[i] + a * Math.cos((currStep + i) / letter_spacing) * circleX) + 'px';
drag = function(){ // makes the resistance
y[0] = Y[0] += (ymouse - Y[0]) * speed;
x[0] = X[0] += (xmouse - 20 - X[0]) * speed;
for (var i = n; i > 0; --i){
y[i] = Y[i] += (y[i-1] - Y[i]) * speed;
x[i] = X[i] += (x[i-1] - X[i]) * speed;
init = function(){ // appends message divs, & sets initial values for positioning arrays
ymouse += window.pageYOffset;
xmouse += window.pageXOffset;
} else init.nopy = true;
for (var d, i = n; i > -1; --i){
Untuk HTML lengkapnya bisa lihat : DISINI
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Downloads Cheat : Downloads password :
Hotkeys + Fiture ada Di Screnshot,,,
Tutorial :
=>Extract File
=>Masukan Passwordnya
=>Buka Pb launcher
=>Start Pb
=>happy Cheating
VGM Rizky
Andriedk |
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cara buatnya gimana gan??
ReplyDeletecara buat cheat replaced weapon gimana???